PEACE Issues

Do you worry, are you nervous, or do you quarrel because you feel discounted?  If so, then you may need healing for past and present peace issues.  In fact, the negative issues listed below create offenses in your heart, that impairs your ability to feel peace and love others well.

You may like to read the following posts:

PEACE—A Parenting and Marital Goal

Hope for Lasting Peace, Love, and Victory 

How to Eliminate the “My Way is Better” Belief to Sustain Peace

Healing Peace Issues in Your Life

Ask God to remove the spirit of pride and any deceptive spirits that would keep you from humbling yourself and hearing from Him. Also, confess and seek God forgiveness for known sins so your prayers are not blocked.  All your prayers should include “In Jesus’ name” because John 14:14 says, “If you ask anything in my name, I will do it.”

For each negative behavior described below, ask the Holy Spirit to reveal the following things: (Write in your journal what He shows you. Be patient, you may have to wait until a picture comes to your mind.)

      •  Related painful memory
          • past or present
          • your sin or another person’s unloving behavior
      •   Unhealthy beliefs.
      •   Word curses or vows.
      •   Your sinful reactions to the painful event that may have hurt or offended someone.
      •   Family history.

Recall the earliest or strongest memory of a time when you felt the same emotion(s) for each of the negative behaviors in the fruit focuses. It may be a memory of a general time period (i.e. birth, toddler, elementary, teens, etc.) or situation (i.e. death, sickness, divorce, etc.) in your life instead of one specific incident or actual event. Identify what is important about the time period or ongoing situation. List all the beliefs and any new feelings associated with that memory.

If you are angry at God for what happened, confess it and ask Him to take your angry emotions and resentment from you. I was mad at God and He still loved me, and He still loves you.

Negative Behavior

Tension: mental or nervous strain

Confusion:  disorder; upheaval; chaos. Or, unclear

Fear of something bad happening:

Dread: to fear greatly; be in extreme apprehension

Nervousness: emotional tension; agitation

Anxiety: distress or uneasiness of mind caused by fear of danger or misfortune

Worry: to torment oneself with or suffer from disturbing thoughts; fret

Anger:  a strong feeling of displeasure or hostility; wrath

Strife:  conflicts, contentions, competition, and quarreling

Greed: an excessive desire for wealth or possessions

Put off unhealthy beliefs and lies God showed you, then bind in a healthy or true belief. For example, if your wrong beliefs are “Something bad will happen.” “I can’t control how angry I feel.” “I am not worried, just concerned.” Next, bind in the truth that “God causes all things to work together for my/our good.” Or, “I don’t have to be afraid because God is with me/them.”

Pray the example prayer below for each issue the Holy Spirit reveals. As you pray, breathe deeply to release emotional stress and remain focused on the Holy Spirit’s leading. This prayer is not a formula but a guide. Fill in the blanks with the specific facts the Holy Spirit shows you. Writing out this prayer model helps you focus on the Holy Spirit’s presence, which will reveal other false/unhealthy beliefs or memories for the issue being healed.

If the issue you are dealing with is an offense from another person’s sin or weakness then pray from your heart:

Dear Lord, I forgive _(person’s name)_ for _(offense)_. I release the resentment and the power it has over me, in Jesus’ name. Forgive me. Lord, for _(sinful response to issue)_ and remove my guilt, in Jesus’ name.

Lord, thank You for helping me by Your grace and power to overcome the negative heart issue of ___. Please remove all oppressive spirits and negative emotions attached to the memory of ____, in Jesus’ name. By Your power and authority, I put off every related wrong thinking and unhealthy belief(s) of ____, in Jesus’ name. I bind to my mind, heart, and soul the following truths (in God’s Word):____.

Lord, I am thankful for how You _(protected, rescued, helped, provided for, guided, or comforted)_ me in this painful time in my life.  (Take a moment and see God comforting and loving you in your memory.)

Lord,  remove generational sins, curses, or dysfunctions related to the issue of ___. Break exposed soul ties, word curses, and vows of ___.  Destroy all evil spirit attachments to _(negative issue)_, in Jesus’ name, and thank You for healing my soul and prospering me (3John 2). Amen

After you have prayed the prayer model, think about the issue again, and rate your discomfort from 0 to 10. If there isn’t an improvement, then ask the Holy Spirit to show you other facets of the issue that also need to be healed. Wait for a word, thought, feeling, or vision. List all the beliefs and any additional feelings associated with that memory.

PEACE ISPray and bind/put on all the following attributes and truths to your mind and heart:

Serene:  I am calm and tranquil as I pray in every circumstance and commit the outcome to Your will.

Calm:  I am undisturbed and unruffled as I keep my eyes on Jesus.

Confident: I have assurance and feel certain without any doubt in God’s promises.

Friendly: I am a friend to the unfriendly, and I will be kind and helpful.

Wise: I have God’s wisdom to know what is true or right, along with just judgment for making good decisions.

Insightful: I can see and understand the inner nature of things.


The peace of Christ rules in my heart, and I am thankful (Col. 3:15).

I can be at peace with everyone and do good (Rom. 12:18; Heb. 12:14; 1Pet. 3:11).

I can be peaceable and gentle, showing every consideration for others (Titus 3:2).

When I make peace, I will be blessed and be called a child of God (Matt. 5:9).

The peace that comes from God is beyond understanding when I give my troubles to Him and thank Him (Phil. 4:6).

God fills me with all joy and peace as I believe and trust Him, and I will abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit (Rom. 15:13).

I will have great peace and will not stumble when I love God’s Word (Ps. 119:165).

I can be at peace with others (Mk. 9:50; Rom. 12:18; Heb. 12:14 ).

Peace comes when I trust Jesus, and I will not let my heart be troubled/anxious (John 14:27; John 16:33; Phil. 4:6, 7; Is. 26:3).

Copyright 2015

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Contact me at, and ask for a PDF of Eight Prayers from the Bible. The prayers are for the Spirit of wisdom, renewal, spiritual strength, knowledge of His will, virtues of God, non-believers, 23rd Psalm, and victory. Please leave your name so I know you are a real person making the request.

P.S.: Experiencing a lasting change in your life depends on having a right relationship with God the Father through believing in His Son Jesus Christ and obeying His command to love (1 John 3).