HOW TO BE FREE – Introduction

Because this topic is massive, I will break it up into several posts. Today I am introducing the two types of bondages and what freedom looks like. Do you know your hidden bondages? Are you aware of controlling behaviors? Many of us, including me, are not conscious of our unhealthy beliefs and vows that control … Continue reading

How to Be Free – Post 1

When you think about freedom, what is the first thing that comes to your mind? Are we ever truly free? If you have no job requirements and no obligations to anyone, you are still confined by time. You look forward to being retired, but now you have physical limitations and doctor appointments that keep you … Continue reading


Do you control what you think, or do your thoughts control your mind and emotions? I wrote in my book Breaking Mental Strongholds about the science behind memories and our thoughts. Neuroscientists discovered that every event in your life from the time of your birth is stored in your brain. They also discovered that these … Continue reading

Freedom in Our Spirit – Part 3

How can we experience peace and joy when our world is falling apart? How does our spirit help us love someone who mistreats us? It is so easy to focus on our problems and how people are mistreating us. So, how does our spirit show the evidence that we are free from worry and resentment? … Continue reading

How to be Free from Sin’s Control – Post 4

Do you think you know the permanent solution to the most common problem we all have? When I ask inmates about sin and forgiveness, most do not know what sin or forgiveness is. I explain sin as anything we think, say, or do that breaks God’s heart (Good News Club definition). Some think God is … Continue reading

Freedom from Negative Influence—Post 5

Do you realize how much negative influence is in your life? Negative influence has a different connotation for each of us. From a Christian perspective, a negative influence can be a spoken word or picture that entices you to do evil and sin in thought, word, or deed. You may work or live with someone … Continue reading

Freedom from the Spirit of Jealousy

Can a spirit control us? I say yes, based on my experience and observation. So, do we have an excuse for atrocious behavior or making wrong choices? No, because we still need to love God, others, and ourselves from a pure heart! So, if we have unloving behavior, then we need to look for the source.  … Continue reading

Freedom from the Snares of Disrespect, Unworthiness, and Failure

Have you been disrespected, demeaned, and felt like a failure?  Do you feel unworthy to be respected?  Do you find yourself being disrespectful when others fail to meet your expectations or know someone who is disrespectful to you when you fail? Do you bad-mouth people and treat them as lower than yourself? Do you … Continue reading


Our world has many distractions that keep our focus away from the true source of life, peace, and love. We want to fill-up on all the world has to offer, and wonder why we feel empty, anxious, and lonely. Rick Renner expressed the following belief. Before we received the life of Jesus Christ, we are … Continue reading

Why, What, and How to Submit to God and be FREE

“Submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you” (James 4:7). What does this look like? What does it mean to submit? Webster dictionary says to submit is to yield or surrender to the actions, control, power, etc. of another. In this verse, the “another” is God. Why don’t we submit to … Continue reading

Free from Anger–County Jail Testimony and Teaching

Free from Anger–County Jail Testimony and Teaching

I have been teaching the girls in the county jail how to recognize and overcome wrong thinking and unhealthy beliefs. One lady received court papers concerning her children being adopted out. Her mother is now the foster parent for the children. The inmate was furious. Her angry thoughts generated a plan to hurt those whom … Continue reading